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Injury, Insurance and Family Lawyers in Halifax & Bedford

kimball law halifax injury insurance legal team

Are you in dispute with an insurance company?

Are you facing a divorce or other family matters and don’t know what to do next?

Legal matters like these can be stressful for you and your loved ones.  After all, the law can be complicated: filing all of the correct documents and following all necessary procedures are crucial to the success of your legal case. At Kimball Law, our team of family and personal injury lawyers can serve our clients in Halifax with a vast amount of procedural and litigation experience. We have the knowledge to resolve your legal matters as quickly as possible, so you can get back to your life. We are committed to presenting you with your best options while taking the appropriate course of action for your case.

Our lawyers will go the distance to resolve your legal matters – the way you need them resolved – fairly and quickly.

Personal Injury & Insurance Claims

If you suffered injuries from a motor vehicle accident, were injured from a slip and fall accident, or are in a dispute with an insurance company, you need an experienced personal injury and insurance lawyer.

Our injury and insurance lawyers have decades of experience in dealing with insurance companies and in trial litigation.

woman neck hurt after car crash on the street

We will fight to get our clients the compensation they deserve.

At Kimball Law, we assist our clients regarding a wide variety of claims.  If you’re involved in any of the following legal claims, we are here to help you.

Our Halifax personal injury and insurance lawyers provide services for:

Divorce & Family Law

Going through a divorce or separation can be one of life’s biggest challenges.

We are aware that you need to find solutions while minimizing the negative impact on your life and your children’s lives.

Mother walk with two children

In the end, you’re not just dealing with legal technicalities. You’re also facing immense emotional pain on a daily basis and for an extended period of time. Family law is complicated because every situation is different. Our team of family lawyers will be there for you throughout the process. We’re here to respond to your questions and concerns throughout this difficult time.

Our family lawyers have extensive experience with:

  • Separation agreements
  • Divorce
  • Division of property
  • Custody issues
  • Adoptions
  • Spousal support

Talk to Kimball Law Family Lawyers to review your situation and discuss your legal options. Let’s make a plan together so you can make a new start.

We’ll Come to You

If you can’t make it to our office or would be more comfortable meeting elsewhere, we will travel to you anywhere in or near the HRM. Our lawyers and team make house calls or are able to meet you somewhere in public, if you’d prefer.

You can choose if you’d like us to meet you at your home or for a coffee, such as at a Tim Horton’s, McDonald’s or Starbucks of your choosing.

Bedford Law Office

1600 Bedford Hwy, Suite 421
Bedford, NS B4A 1E8
Phone: 902-422-8811
Toll Free: 800-294-7851

Get Directions

Lawyers Near You: Serving HRM

Hiring a lawyer near you can be very convenient for traveling to and from your lawyer’s office. If you don’t live in Bedford, where our office is located, but rather, in Halifax, Dartmouth or a neighbouring community and you’re looking for a lawyer, then come to visit us in Bedford. Your priority should be the experience of your lawyer and the quality of service they will provide to you in your time of need. Contact Kimball Law Personal Injury & Family Lawyers. We always put our clients’ interests first.


Our office is located in the same building as the CIBC and directly across from the Sunnyside Mall. Our location serves all of our clients in Halifax and surrounding communities in the HRM area for all legal matters listed on our site. Call us to make an appointment.


There is ample parking just outside of our office so you shouldn’t have trouble finding a place to park for your appointment.

Schedule a Callback

Have a Question?

Send us a message and we will get back to you within a day to help answer your legal questions.